©Khon Kaen University
Latest updates
- August 2022 – Final Synthesis and Key Findings reports developed and shared with government partners
- May 2022 – National Workshop held in Bangkok presenting results and key findings of the TEEBAgriFood assessment comparing organic and conventional rice in the Northeast of Thailand.
- April 2022 – Steering Committee held approving final synthesis report and providing additional perspectives for follow up
- March 2022 – Full findings report revised and draft synthesis for policy makers shared with focal points for consultation
Scope of work
The TEEBAgriFood analysis in Thailand uses a scenario modelling approach to examine the potential future impacts of land-use changes as a result of current organic rice expansion and sustainable agriculture goals. Impacts were assessed at the landscape level in terms of changes in rice-field biodiversity, the emission of greenhouse gases, air pollution, and the health impacts of chemical pesticides. Various biophysical and ecosystem services models were used in the analysis, applying locally available and field data, to project changes in natural capital, produced, human and social capital over the medium term. Economic valuation methods are applied to quantify the true costs and benefits of different agricultural approaches in rice agroecosystems. Research was also conducted with farmers to assess the factors that could encourage farmers to switch from conventional practices to organic practice.
- Video interview (Thai) with Dr. Phirun Saiyasitpanich, Secretary General, Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning (ONEP), Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MoNRE)
- Introductory remarks video (English) Dr. Salman Hussain, Coordinator, The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB), United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
- Video 1: การวัดว่าอะไรสำคัญของการปลูกข้าวในประเทศไทย : Project concept and introduction (Thai with Eng subtitles)
- Video 2: ผลลัพธ์งานวิจัย โครงการรู้คุณค่าข้าวเพื่อชีวิตและธรรมชาติ : Research results (Thai only)
- Video 3: มุมมองการให้คุณค่ากับธรรมชาติ เพื่อใช้เป็นกลยุทธ์ขับเคลื่อนนโยบายประเทศไทย : ONEP perspective (Thai with Eng subtitles)
- Video 4: ผลลัพธ์งานวิจัย Animation (Thai with Eng subtitles)
- Video 5: ภาพรวมโครงการรู้คุณค่าข้าว เพื่อชีวิตและธรรมชาติ : Project overview with research team perspectives (Thai with Eng subtitles)
- Infographic 1: What are the true benefits and costs of rice production? (Thai) (Eng)
- Infographic 2: Research results (Thai) (Eng)
- Infographic 3: Research findings and recommendations (Thai) (Eng)

Status: Completed
This project is funded by the International Climate Initiative (IKI) of the German Federal Environment Ministry.
Host Ministry:
Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning (ONEP) in the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
Research institution:
Economics Faculty, Khon Kaen University
This project will complement work undertaken as part of the EU-funded TEEBAgriFood project in Thailand.
This analysis will inform work undertaken as part of the EU-funded TEEBAgriFood project in Thailand.