Latest updates
- 2022: The workshop outcome report has been compiled from the final event and consultation in December 2021, upon presentation and discussion of the final project results report. A video outlining the TEEBAgriFood Uganda pilot study has also been prepared by the Nile Basin Initiative following the project closure.
Scope of work
TEEBAgriFood Uganda shall inform the agricultural and food system policies in Uganda by providing comprehensive, scientific evidence. The project will respond directly to the policy demand indicated by Ugandan policy stakeholders, and based upon discussions involving local research entities and UNEP-TEEB. The analysis will support the spatial planning of agricultural production to maximise ecosystem services, the evaluation of the economic case for sustainable approaches to urban and peri-urban agriculture around the Kampala Capital City, and the restoration support of the Mabamba Bay Wetland System by reducing its adverse environmental pressures.
The project will identify alternative policy scenarios to assess and review the types, causes, location, and extent of threats to ecosystem services in the Kampala and wetland study areas, vis-à-vis the business as usual scenario. Modelling methods will be employed to quantify the ecosystem services considered.
This work will complement work undertaken as part of the UNEP Economy Division project in Uganda – “Catalysing urban and peri-urban agriculture to improve diets and resilience in Kampala”. This project also supports Uganda’s UN Food Systems Summit national transformation pathways to establish sustainable food systems, in the context of urban and peri-urban agricultural production and the parallel contributions to regenerate natural ecosystems. More broadly, TEEBAgriFood addresses the global call to “Build Back Better” following the global COVID-19 health pandemic, and supports the UN Decade on Restoration and the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development.
Events and meetings
- Final Stakeholder Consultation and Results Workshop (Virtual, December 2021). Outcome Report and Presentations
- Scoping Report Stakeholder Consultation (Virtual, September 2021). Outcome Report and NBI Presentation
- Project Scoping Workshop (Virtual, May 2021). Outcome Report and Presentations
- TEEBAgriFood Africa and Georgia Regional Symposium, First Discussion (Virtual, February 2021). Outcome Report and Presentations

©Notes from Camelid Country
Status: Complete
Research institution: