Latest updates
- [May 2022] To promote food systems as an area of focus for the Indonesia G20 presidency, UNEP and IPB submitted a G20 policy brief called ‘A G20 Action Plan to make the economic case for nature-positive food systems through the application of True Value Accounting’ to the G20 official engagement group called Think 20.
- [February 2022] TEEBAgriFood Indonesia was launched at the subnational level in Sulawesi.
- [December 2021] Over 100 agri-food representatives in Indonesia have demonstrated understanding that - with nature on their ‘balance sheet’ - they are more likely to thrive in future scenarios. Two agri-Business roundtables and six training sessions paved the way for agri-business to measure and manage not just their impacts on financial capital (ie. shareholders), but also their impacts and dependencies on natural capital and the society at large.
- [October 2021] TEEBAgriFood Indonesia was presented and applied in a case study group work exercise for a training workshop on “Embedding True Cost Accounting in policy-making processes” with participants from 10 countries, including Angola, Benin, Bhutan, Nepal, Senegal and Sri Lanka.
- [September 2021] IPB Bogor University shared advances on i) policy scoping, ii) biophysical data availability and gap-filling, and iii) methodologies to be applied for a TEEBAgriFood Framework application.
- [June 2021] Expert workshop to refine the policy scope. Policy question discussed: How can managed expansion and intensification of cocoa agroforestry landscapes in areas close to existing forests and settlements increase cocoa yield and maximize outcomes for natural, human and social capital?
- [June 2021] The Ministry of Planning, in its opening statements at a Food Summit Dialogue on True Cost Accounting for Food Systems, pointed at the need to value nature in food systems to deliver on many global and national priorities
- [March 2021] Interim TEEBAgriFood findings presented at International TEEBAgriFood Symposium show that nature positive food systems are not only good for the environment - they also ensure rural livelihoods. TEEBAgriFood will analyze different policy intervention pathways for cocoa agroforestry, looking at some of the trade-offs and synergies by integrating the goal of crop yields with the goals of nutrition, human health, livelihoods and planetary health.
- [January 2020] Interim TEEBAgriFood findings contributed to the inclusion of agroforestry – for the first time - in Indonesia’s mid-term National Development Plan.
Scope of work
The Ministry of National Development Planning (BAPPENAS) requested science-based policy advice for food system policies that reward responsible stewardship of natural, human, social and produced capital. Expected outcomes include:
- Enable the inclusion of science-based agroforestry goals in the mid-term National Development plan
- Transpose the cacoa and agroforestry goals of the National Development Plan into regulations that internalize natural capital dimensions in its design. This includes national cross-sectoral regulations and subnational land-use planning policies in South Sulawesi.
Publications and resources
- T20 Abstract for a G20 Action Plan: making the economic case for nature-positive food systems through the application of True Value Accounting (February 2022)
- TEEBAgriFood Indonesia inputs to Food Systems National Pathway implementation Indonesia (January 2022)
- Cacao agroforestry – a rapid assessment - input to Indonesia’s mid-term National Development Plan (November 2019)
- Country Fact Sheet
- Policy brief
Interim working papers:
- TEEBAgriFood Evaluation Framework Table (October 2021)
- Technical document on methodologies and models to be applied (September 2021)
- Assessment of biophysical data availability and gap-filling (September 2021)
- Scope finalization and scenario development options (September 2021)
- Causal loop diagram (August 2021)
- Preliminary background review of agriculture and biodiversity in Indonesia (2019)
Engaging agri-business
Read more about work being led by the Capitals Coalition, with IBCSD in the lead in Indonesia, to develop new guidance for agri-business, develop capacity-building and build a growing “True Value of Food’ business coalition in Indonesia.
TEEBAgriFood Operational Guidelines for business in Bahasa
Registration link Indonesia True Value of Food business hub
Country-level business activity reporting:
- Recording Business Roundtable Day 1 – Day 2 Webinar (12 March 2020)
- Report Business Roundtable
- Recording training session 1 (June 2021)
- Recording training session 2 (July 2021)
- Recording training session 3 (September 2021)
- Recording training session 4 (September 2021)
- Recording training session 5 (September 2021)
Events and meetings
- International workshop: Embedding true cost accounting in policy making processes – presentation Indonesia (October 2021)
- National Stakeholder workshop report (May 2021)
- TEEBAgriFood Regional Symposium – presentation Indonesia (March 2021)
- 1st national workshop (Jakarta, July 2019)
- TEEBAgriFood Global Symposium (Nairobi, February 2019)
- Project brief
- TEEBAgriFood Indonesia intro video [English draft]
- TEEBAgriFood subnational workshop - 9 press articles (February 2022)
- TEEBAgriFood Business Roundtable – 6 press articles in national media (March 2021)