TEEBAgriFood Indonesia – inception workshop


Jakarta, 17 July 2019

The first national workshop brought together 28 national stakeholders to identify how the TEEBAgriFood approach could inform policy interventions in agriculture and food systems in Indonesia and agree on a way forward for the country project.

Participants discussed a number of opportunities for TEEBAgriFood to influence policies, financial and regulatory instruments, and tools at national and subnational level in order to better capture the multiple values of ecosystem services across agri-food chains. Toward determining the scope of the project, participants agreed to focus on the promotion of agroforestry systems as an alternative to the expansion of monoculture which may further threaten valuable ecosystem services, such as fresh water, soil erosion, pest control and climate stabilization. This would include capturing the economically invisible values of spices, indigenous commodities and other neglected and underutilized species (NUS). The analysis would provide recommendations on alternative legal frameworks, policies and financial incentives that could propagate the establishment of or improvement in market access and profitability of these commodities.

Read more in the workshop report here.

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