Framework-testing pilot studies

The TEEB for Agriculture & Food Evaluation Framework is a complex solution to a complex array of problems. In order to provide a truly comprehensive picture of the interactions that exist in eco-agri-food systems, an assessment must: (i) be broad and systemic in nature, (ii) reflect the contributions of all four capitals (natural, produced, human and social), and (iii) examine connections along the full value chain, including production, processing & manufacturing, distribution, marketing & retail, and consumption.

However, at the launch of the ‘Scientific and Economic Foundations’ report in June 2018, the Framework was still untried, untested and thus unproven. The immediate next step was to move from analysis to action and commission pilot studies that use and apply TEEBAgriFood and its Framework on the ground. In addition to the country projects funded by the European Union (DG-DEVCO and Partnership Instrument) and German (BMU) International Climate Initiative , the two pilot studies described below were developed with support from the Global Alliance for the Future of Food to deliver quick feedback and results on the viability of the Framework.


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