Latest updates
- March 2022 - TEEBAgriFood for Business training program is launched by Capitals Coalition: Valuing nature and people to inform business decision-making
- March 2022 - TEEBAgriFood Checklist has been developed, and a baseline review of vegetable sector in Cameron Highlands is in preparation for consideration of project Steering Committee
- December 2021 – A virtual TEEBAgriFood for Business Roundtable with a panel discussion on the importance of food system transformation through business action in Malaysia.
- September 2021 – The project Steering Committee, Technical Committee, and local committee structures were proposed by MARDI.
- August 2021 - Secretary General of MAFI endorsed the Ministry’s leadership of the TEEBAgriFood project, and appointed MARDI to lead the research component of the project. The assessment will focus on examining the economic case for the wider adoption of MyGAP.
- February 2021 - Interviews were held with key informants, and consultations held with Department of Agriculture (DoA), Department of Fisheries (DoF) and MARDI. An Options report was presented to key stakeholders in MAFI and KETSA.
- December 2020 - Inception Workshop was held to launch the project and discuss how the TEEBAgriFood approach could inform policy interventions in specific agricultural landscapes
- [December 2020] The TEEBAgriFood project in Malaysia was launched on a virtual platform with key stakeholders from four Ministries, EU and UN agencies, research agencies, private sector organisations and civil society
- [April 2020] The project inception workshop was originally scheduled to be held on 7-8 April 2020 in Putrajaya Malaysia, but had to be postponed in the context of Covid-19 restrictions.
- [October 2019] An initial stakeholder meeting was held to introduce the project rationale, discuss potential project scope and implementation modalities for the project in Malaysia
Scope of work
The work in Malaysia is steered by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industries (MAFI). MARDI leads the research component of the project. The analysis will examine the economic case for the wider adoption of myGAP Standard in Malaysia. The geographical focus of the initial TEEBAgriFood assessment will be on the Cameron Highlands. The sectoral focus of the initial TEEBAgriFood assessment will be vegetable sector.
The objectives of the assessment can be summarized as to
- Measure, evaluate the costs and benefits of vegetable production in the Cameron Highlands
- Assess the impact of myGAP certification on ecosystems and agrobiodiversity in Cameron Highlands through diverse future scenarios
- Determine public policy options for enhancing adoption of the myGAP Standard to support agricultural sustainability.
Publications and resources
- Baseline report (available on request)
- Country factsheet
- Malaysia project brief
- Business Training Brochure – Malaysia
- Presentation for initial stakeholder meeting (Kuala Lumpur, October 2019)
Engaging agri-business
Read more about work being led by the Capitals Coalition to develop new guidance for agri-business, develop capacity-building and build a growing network of forward-thinking organizations.
Country-level activities
- TEEBAgriFood Training Program for Business (2022)
- Webinar (19 May 2020)
Status: Ongoing
Host ministry:
Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industries (MAFI)
Research institute:
Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MARDI)