Latest updates
- [March 2024] TEEBAgriFood India results and policy framework for Sustainable Land Management presented at Centre of Excellence – Sustainable Land Management
- [January 2024] Meeting held with Chief Secretary, Uttar Pradesh and officers of the agriculture and forest departments of Uttar Pradesh
- [December 2023] TEEBAgriFood India application results presented and discussed at the IUCN Common Ground Dialogue – Accelerating the Global Transition to Sustainable Agriculture
- [December 2023] Synthesis Report of TEEBAgriFood application in Uttar Pradesh
- [December 2023] Synthesis Report of TEEBAgriFood application in Uttarakhand
- [December 2023] Synthesis Report of TEEBAgriFood application in Assam
- [November 2023] Launch of the TEEBAgriFood Learning Landscape concept note in Assam by the Additional Chief Secretaries for Agriculture and Environment
- [November 2023] State-level stakeholder consultation to discuss draft results for Assam
- [November 2023] Global TEEBAgriFood Symposium – presentation of results from the TEEBAgriFood applications from India at the global symposium and participation of Indian delegation at theme-based breakout sessions on natural capital measurement, social capital measurement and mainstreaming of TEEBAgriFood results
- [November 2023] TEEBAgriFood National Workshop held to present findings from TEEBAgriFood assessments in Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Assam and discuss mainstreaming opportunities for integrating True-Cost Accounting (TCA) with key national and sub-national stakeholders
- [October 2023] Meeting held with State Governments (Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand and Assam) to discuss the integration of results in State agricultural planning processes, chaired by the Additional Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare
- [October 2023] Project Steering Committee meeting of TEEBAgriFood India chaired by the Additional Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmer’s Welfare
- [September 2023] State-level stakeholder consultation to discuss draft results for Uttarakhand
- [September 2023] Stakeholder consultation workshop in Assam to discuss the scoping, scenarios developed for integrated modelling and valuation, and methodologies with key state-level stakeholders
- [September 2023] Meeting held with Forest Department, Uttar Pradesh to discuss mainstreaming opportunities of results
- [August 2023] Discussion on TEEBAgriFood application in India with Hon’ble Member, NITI Aayog
- [August 2023] State-level Stakeholder Consultation to discuss draft results, Uttar Pradesh (Agenda)
- [July 2023] Meeting held with Central Water Commission (CWC), Govt. of India to discuss policy mainstreaming options
- [June 2023] Meetings held with Additional Chief Secretary (Agriculture), Govt. of Assam and Chief Conservator of Forests and Managing Director, Assam Agroforestry Development Board (AADB) to scope the TEEBAgriFood application in Assam.
- [June 2023] Meetings held with Secretary (Agriculture), Govt. of Uttarakhand and PCCF, Uttarakhand to explore policy mainstreaming options in the state.
- [June 2023] Meetings held with Additional Chief Secretary (Agriculture), Govt. of Uttar Pradesh, Principal Chief Conservator of Forest (PCCF) and senior officers of the Uttar Pradesh government to explore policy mainstreaming options in the state.
- [June 2023] Draft integrated scenario modelling and valuation results submitted by G.B. Pant University for review
- [June 2023] Draft integrated scenario modelling and valuation results submitted by IIFSR-ICAR for review
- [April 2023] Review of IIFSR-ICAR research programmes by the Research Advisory Committee (RAC) recommended the application of TEEBAgriFood framework to evaluate integrated farming systems (IFS) and organic farming under the All India Coordinated Research Programme (AICRP) and All India Network on Organic Farming (AINOF)
- [March 2023] Extension of the TEEBAgriFood application to Assam endorsed by the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare with Central Agroforestry Research Institute (CAFRI-ICAR) engaged as the implementing partner for Assam
- [February 2023] TEEBAgriFood application presented at the World Sustainable Development Summit (WSDS) 2023, New Delhi
- [January 2023] TEEBAgriFood application in India discussed at the National Workshop on Agroforestry and Farm Forestry for Sustainable Land and Ecosystem Management, ICFRE, Dehradun
- [December 2022] Scoping Report for demonstration plot studies finalized by G.B. Pant University
- [December 2022] Scoping Report for Uttarakhand finalized by G.B Pant University
- [December 2022] Scoping Report for Uttar Pradesh finalized by IIFSR-ICAR
- [November 2022] Project Steering Committee meeting, 10 November
- [November 2022] National Stakeholder consultation workshop. 9-10 November
- [November 2022] Presentation and discussion on TEEBAgriFood Application in India at the India and Sustainability Standards Conference and Dialogues organized by Centre for Responsible Business (CRB) and Capitals Coalition (Agenda)
- [September 2022] State-level stakeholder consultation, Uttarakhand (Agenda) - (Summary)
- [September 2022] State-level stakeholder consultation, Uttar Pradesh (Agenda) - (Summary)
- [September 2022] Local press coverage of stakeholder consultation workshop, Uttarakhand and shots of articles attached in Hindustan and Amar Ujala below (Image 1, Image 2).
- [June 2022] TEEBAgriFood regional symposium. High-level remarks from Ms. Chavvi Jah, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare. Technical presentations from G.B. Pant University and IIFSR-ICAR
- [March 2022] ICAR-IIFSR and G.B. Pant University are undertaking detailed work on scoping of the technical work and scenario analysis, in consultation with the TEEB Office.
- [February 2022] Stakeholder consultations with farmers have been held in Sunkiya Village in Uttarakhand to discuss their experience of adoption of PKVY. These consultations will inform modelling of social and human capital in the TEEB AgriFood framework.
- [October 2021] Draft policy mainstreaming strategies at the national level and state levels for Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand have been prepared by the TEEB Office. These will serve the basis for elaboration with research institutes and government partners as the technical work is completed and the project shifts to the policy mainstreaming phase.
- [August 2021] Biodiversity means Climate” webinar co-organised by UNEP and the EU Delegation to India
- [AUGUST 2021] Two institutes were selected to undertake the implementation of the TEEB AgriFood project in India. G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology will undertake the work for Uttarakhand and ICAR- Indian Institute of Farming Systems Research for Uttar Pradesh.
[MARCH 2021] The scope of work for India was finalized in consultation with the state governments and technical organizations. - [OCTOBER 2020] Two virtual Steering Committee meetings were held with key stakeholders including representatives from central government ministries such as Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change as well as state government ministries, to discuss project scoping and policy priorities.
- [JULY 2020] A virtual inception workshop launched the project in India.
Scope of work
The project in India will focus on organic farming and agroforestry in the Ganga basin region of India, the two states, Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand. This region was selected by the steering committee in line with key national policy priorities and areas of action, National Mission for Clean Ganga, Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana (PKVY) and National Agroforestry Policy.
Publications and resources
- Summary of National Stakeholder Consultation, November 2022
- Scoping Report for Uttar Pradesh
- Country Fact Sheet: Short summary of project in India
- Draft Indian Policy Mainstreaming Strategy – National level, November 2021. Draft policy mainstreaming strategy prepared by the TEEB Office and for elaboration with research institutes and government partners as the technical work is completed.
- Draft Indian Policy Mainstreaming Strategy – State level, October 2021. Draft policy mainstreaming strategy prepared by the TEEB Office and for elaboration with research institutes and government partners as the technical work is completed.
- Stakeholder mapping for Uttar Pradesh, June 2021
- Stakeholder mapping for Uttarakhand, May 2021
- Consultation with States Discussion paper, November 2020. Background paper on project and scope for discussion with Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh state authorities.
- Modelling summary for Indian Research Institutes, October 2020. Explanation of options for modelling TEEBAgriFood prepared by the TEEB office to assist research institutes.
- Discussion Paper for 1st National Steering Committee meeting, 9 October 2020. Background paper prepared by TEEB Office on project scope for discussion by the Steering Committee.
- Draft Policy Mapping , July 2020. Background paper prepared by TEEB Office for discussion of project scope at Inception Workshop, July 2020.
- Policy Scoping Options for Inception Workshop, July 2020. Background paper prepared by TEEB Office for discussion of project scope at Inception Workshop, July 2020.
- Report of Inception Workshop, July 2020
- Ongoing biodiversity and AgriFood projects in India, July 2020. Background paper prepared by TEEB Office for discussion of project scope at Inception Workshop, July 2020.
- Briefing on TEEBAgriFood for Indian policymakers, May 2020
- Background paper (March 2018):Preliminary background review of agriculture and biodiversity in India
Engaging agri-business
Read more about work being led by the Capitals Coalition to develop new guidance for agri-business, develop capacity-building and build a growing network of forward-thinking organizations in partner countries.
Country-level activities
- TEEBAgriFood India Business Roundtable Report
- India Business Training Session 1 (17 June 2021)
- India Business Training Session 2 (15 July 2021)
- India Business Traning Session 3 (23 September 2021)
- India Business Training Session 4 (2 December 2021)
- India Business Roundtable Day 1
- India Business Roundtable Day 2
- Webinar (29 April 2020)
Events and meetings
- [September 2022] State-level stakeholder consultation, Uttarakhand
- [September 2022] State-level stakeholder consultation, Uttar Pradesh (Agenda) - (Summary)
- Webinar: ‘Biodiversity means Climate’ (virtual, August 2021)
- Consultation between UNEP and state of Uttar Pradesh, 10 February 2021
- Consultation between UNEP, state of Uttarakhand and G.B. Pant University, 1 February 2021
- Consultation between UNEP and potential research institutes in Uttar Pradesh, 17 December 2020
- Consultation between UNEP and G.B. Pant University, 27 November 2020
- Consultation between UNEP and Uttarakhand, state nodal officials in the Directorate of Agriculture, as nominated by the central MoAFW, 18 November 2020.
- Consultation between UNEP and Uttarakhand, state nodal officials in the Directorate of Agriculture, as nominated by the central MoAFW 10 November 2020.
- Consultation between National Project Steering Committee and Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand authorities, 23 October 2020.
- First National Project Steering Committee meeting, 9 October 2020
- 1st national workshop (virtual, July 2020)
- Webinar: Valuing Nature for Sustainability in the Agriculture and Food Sector of India (June 2020)
- TEEBAgriFood Global Symposium (Nairobi, February 2019)
- Comic Book – Valuing the Essentials – English (GBPUAT)
- Comic Book – Valuing the Essentials – Hindi (GBPUAT)
- Short film – Setting the scene for TEEBAgriFood implementation in Uttar Pradesh (IIFSR)
- Short film – Findings from TEEBAgriFood implementation in Uttar Pradesh (IIFSR)
- Short film – TEEBAgriFood in Uttarakhand (GBPUAT)
- Short film – Setting the scene for agroforestry evaluations under TEEBAgriFood in Assam (CAFRI)
- Short film – Setting the scene for organic farming evaluations under TEEBAgriFood in Assam (CAFRI)
- Article (February 2020): What does the UN Environment Programme bring to the table in the zero-budget natural farming debate?
Status: Ongoing
Other partners:
This project will complement work undertaken as part of the Natural Capital Accounting and Valuation of Ecosystem Services (NCAVES) project in India.