Dar es Salaam, 16-18 May 2017
The results of the CROPWAT and SWAT analyses and the subsequent economic valuation were presented to stakeholders, including the Executive Director of the Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of Tanzania (SAGCOT), Geoffrey Israel Kirenga. Mr. Kirenga stated that the final report would be reviewed and its recommendations would inform policy on agricultural intensification.
The following recommendations were made:
- The Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of Tanzania (SAGCOT)1 should account for water availability in the Basin for all planned projects
- Overall, a more integrated approach to water management in the Basin, accounting for base ecological flows, and other competing uses of water in the Basin needs to be implemented
- Invest in watershed level data collection, streamline data obtaining processes, and invest in biophysical modelling capacity to increase the effectiveness of ecosystem service assessments as an input to the policy making process
- Further crop-based assessments need to be done to ensure better water budgeting
- Impacts of reducing water flow or amending water quality (in terms of sediment runoff, or added inputs from upstream agricultural activities) on the Rufiji delta need to be explored further
Other partners
- Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism
- Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Cooperatives
- President’s Office Planning Commission
- Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries Development
- Ministry of Water
- Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute
- Tanzania Forestry Research Institute
- Ardhi University
- UN Development Programme (UNDP)
- Tanzania Forest Services Agency
- Ministry of Land, Housing and Human Settlement Development
This study is supported by the European Commission as part of the “Reflecting the Value of Ecosystems and Biodiversity in Policy-Making” project.