Screenshot_2020-08-03 TESSA-Liberia-report-web pdf
Lake Piso and Monrovia, 1-15 June 2017
The overall aim of the course was to build the capacity of Liberian natural resource managers to understand concepts behind measuring and evaluating ecosystem services, and to use the TESSA toolkit at their priority sites in Liberia. By building this capacity, Liberian managers will be better equipped to provide the information needed for stakeholders to better manage their natural resources sustainably and to deliver results to augment the on-going work under Liberia’s TEEB assessment.
Read workshop summary here.
This training course was requested and organized by UNEP TEEB in partnership with Liberia’s Environmental Protection Agency, and designed by the Tropical Biology Association who also led the teaching with input from the UN Environment World Conservation Monitoring Centre and Monitor Trust, Cameroon.
Other partners
This study is supported by the European Commission as part of the “Reflecting the Value of Ecosystems and Biodiversity in Policy-Making” project.