Cancún, 4-7 December 2016
On the margins of the 13th Conference of Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD CoP-13), government officials and researchers from the first TEEB Country Study (TCS) pilot projects in Bhutan, Brazil, Ecuador, India, Liberia, Mexico, Philippines and Tanzania convened for the TCS International Workshop.
During the workshop, country teams exchanged knowledge and information on process and strategies for mainstreaming the value of nature in policy making as well as managing challenges in project implementation. An outreach and media training was also provided, during which countries discussed strategies to communicate and disseminate results to national and global audiences.
Read the workshop report
Workshop presentations
Day 1 (Monday 5 December 2016)
- Introduction to the TEEB Portfolio, by Salman Hussain, UN Environment TEEB Coordinator.
- Integrating the Value of Ecosystems & Biodiversity in Hydropower Development Strategies, by Ugyen Wangchuk, UWICE.
- TEEB Ecuador: Change of Energy Mix - Towards a joint finance mechanism for integrated management of hydrological resources, by Cristina Torres, Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Ecuador.
- TEEB Ecuador: Change of Productive Matrix: Towards an inclusive and sustainable cocoa value chain, by Paul Herrera, Escuela Politécnica del Litoral, Ecuador.
- TEEB Liberia: Mainstreaming the Value of Ecosystems and Biodiversity into coastal and Marine Management Policies by Cammue Datuma, Environmental Protection Agency, Liberia.
- TEEB Philippines: Reflecting the Value of Ecosystems and Biodiversity in land reclamation policies in the Philippines, by Gem Castillo, Resources and Environment and Economics Center for Studies, Philippines.
- TEEB Tanzania: Integrating the Value of Ecosystems and Biodiversity in land use policies in the Rufiji River Basin, by Thomas Chali, Vice Presidents' Office, Tanzania.
Working group session results on policy linkages, process (scoping, stakeholder engagement), methodologies (biophysical and valuation), and on using results (mainstreaming).
Day 2 (Tuesday 6 December 2016)
- Naturkapital Deutschland - TEEB Germany, by Johannes Förster, Helmholtz Centre For Environmental Research - UFZ
- How can TEEB studies contribute to mainstreaming?, by Ulrike Troeger, GIZ-ValuES Project
CBD COP 13 Side Event “TEEB Country studies – progress in recognizing, demonstrating and capturing value”
The session was structured so as to allow a presentation of and commentary and critique of the TEEB approach, with representation from the five TEEB pilot countries and those that are to be involved in the next tranche of TEEB Country studies.
- TEEB Country Studies Presentation
- TEEB Bhutan (video Facebook Live)
- TEEB Liberia (video Facebook Live)
- TEEB Philippines (video Facebook Live)
Day 3 (Wednesday 7 December 2016)
Media Training, by David Díaz Martín, UN Environment TEEB Communications Analyst:
- 1st Part: Communication is about answering questions
- 2nd Part: Social Media
- 3rd Part: Best Practises
- 4th Part: How to communicate about TEEB Reports
- Group Exercise
Anyaa Vohiri, Executive Director Environmental Protection Agency, Liberia:
Thank you for giving us the opportunity to share the experiences of the Environmental Protection Agency of Liberia with the international community. We do not want that our policy-evidence on the human wellbeing costs of mangrove degradation ends up on a shelf in an office. 60 to 70 percent of the population in Liberia derive their protein from fish for which the mangrove forest often serve as the nesting ground. The mainstreaming of nature’s values may not be achieved within a project framework, but this workshop provided us the necessary tools to be piloted in our country.
Zack Romo, leader of the Socio Bosque Programme, Ministry of Environment Ecuador
I feel inspired by the experiences in Bhutan on ecosystem service assessments related to hydropower. Also in Ecuador we aim to establish a solid science base for the introduction of finance mechanisms from hydropower companies to integrate sustainable management of hydrological resources at the wider landscape level. Furthermore, I explored the lessons learned from Tanzania on the assessment of land use changes that relate to agriculture. This was very useful for our work on achieving an inclusive and sustainable growth in the cocoa value chain, incorporating the value of diversified agro-ecosystems into land-use planning. Finally and maybe most importantly, I learned a lot from other countries how they address key implementation challenges, such as bringing cross-sectoral actors to the same table. Looking forward to keep in touch with TEEB country actors across the world!”
This study is supported by the European Commission as part of the “Reflecting the Value of Ecosystems and Biodiversity in Policy-Making” project.
Additional funding was provided by SwedBio, a programme of the Stockholm Resilience Centre.