Walter Pengue

Dr. Walter Pengue is an Agricultural Engineer specialized in Improvement of Plant Genetics (Plant Breeding), at the University of Buenos Aires.

He holds a Masters degree from the same University in Environmental and Territorial Policies and is Doctor in Agro-Ecology, Rural Sociology and Sustainable Development by the University of Córdoba, European Union (Spain).

He is a founding member and former President of the Argentine/Uruguayan Association of Ecological Economics (ASAUEE), as well as of the Ibero- American Network of Ecological Economics (REDIBEE). He is Member of the Board of Directors of the International Society for Ecological Economics (ISEE). Pengue was a founding member of SOCLA (Latin American Scientific Society of Agroecology).

He is Director of the Postgraduate Specialization on Ecological Economics at the University of Buenos Aires as well as Professor of the Group on Landscape Ecology and the Environment, GEPAMA, Faculty of Architecture, University of Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA and an active promoter of ecological economics education through new tools developed under virtual plataforms, obtaining a relevant results in the socialization of the discipline in Latin America and Europe.

Dr. Pengue is full professor of Ecology, at the Ecology Department, Periurban Institute (ICO), Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento (Buenos Aires, Argentina).

His main area of expertise are related with Ecological Economics, Agriculture, Agroecology, Urban Ecology, Social Metabolism, Rural Development and Physical Indicators studies and with the evaluation of ecological, economics and social transformation as results of modern rural changes in different levels and regions.

Dr. Pengue is a former member of the Scientific Committee of the International Resource Panel (2008-2015) and is integrated with the activities of IPBES since 2013.

Author of numerous books and book chapters dealing with ecological economics, green economy and the impact of new technologies in agriculture, sustainable models of agricultural development and production alternatives. He is a consultant for different public and private entities as well as International Organizations on matters such as Agricultural Production, Green Markets, Sustainable Development, New Technologies and Environmental Impacts.

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