Sarah Cheroben

Sarah Cheroben has over 10 years of work experience in environmental field having been engaged in different aspects of programme design, implementation, management, monitoring and evaluation. She has experience conducting Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) and Environmental Audits (EAs) having worked with the private sector and interned with Kenya’s national government Ministry of Environment and Mineral resources and the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA-Kenya).

She joined UN family as a National United Nations Volunteer in 2010 where she worked for the UN Environment Congo Basin Project “The Mayombe Transboundary project” within the Terrestrial Unit, Ecosystem Division. Her work was later expanded to cover Great Apes Survival Partnership and EU funded Mau Forest Projects. Her work also included support in the implementation of programmes such as Climate Change Adaptation, GEF Climate Change Enabling Activities and the UN REDD.

Sarah holds a master’s degree in Environmental Science (Agroforestry and Rural Development) and a Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Studies from Kenyatta University, Kenya.

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