Humberto Delgado Rosa

Humberto Delgado Rosa is the Director of Directorate D (Natural Capital), DG Environment, European Commission, since 16 November 2015. Previously and since January 2012 he served as Director for Mainstreaming Adaptation and Low Carbon Technology in DG Climate Action, EC. His current Directorate’s mission is to protect, conserve and enhance the EU’s natural capital in the areas of biodiversity, land and soil, forests and nutrient cycles.

Mr. Delgado Rosa has relevant experience in European and international environmental policy, particularly in biodiversity and climate change issues. Having served as Secretary of State for the Environment of the Portuguese Government from March 2005 to June 2011, he held responsibility in environmental issues in general, and particularly in biodiversity and nature conservation, climate change, environmental impact assessment, pollution prevention and control, air quality, noise, waste management, sustainable development. During the Portuguese Presidency of the EU in 2007, he was involved in the launch in Lisbon of the European Initiative on Business and Biodiversity and of the International Carbon Action Partnership, and he acted as EU lead negotiator for the UN Climate Change Conference, when the Bali Roadmap was approved. In 2005 H.D. Rosa was elected Member of the Portuguese Parliament for the Socialist Party, having interrupted his mandate to integrate the Government. Between 1995 and 2002 he was an advisor for environmental matters to the Prime-Minister of Portugal

Mr. Delgado Rosa was a member of several professional and scientific organizations, having served on the following boards: President, European Communities Biologists Association (1989-1991); General Secretary, Portuguese Biologists Association (1987-1995); President, Portuguese Society of Natural Sciences (2002-2005); founder and Vice-President, Portuguese Society of Herpetology (1993-2005); Member of the Board, European Society for Agriculture and Food Ethics (2003-2005); founder and General Assembly Chair, Portuguese Society of Environmental Ethics (2000-2005).

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