Herman Mulder

In the period 1995-1998, he worked at ABM AMRO as Head of Global Structured Finance.

During his tenure as Director-General it became the premier international bank in sustainable development. Since retiring from ABN AMRO he has been able to dedicate himself as an independent advisor and board member to all dimensions of sustainable development: voluntary business codes of conduct, climate, value chain, microfinance, social entrepreneurship, development finance and fair trade.

He advises i.a. Global Compact, WBSCD, Club de Madrid, Taellberg Foundation, OXFAM NOVIB, Earth Charter International, Youth Employment & Sustainability (YES); he is a member of the judging panel of the FT/IFC Sustainable Bank Awards. Herman Mulder is also a member of a number of boards including: Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), Utz Certified/Good Inside, Dutch National Council for Development Co-operation and Sustainable Development (NCDO), Dutch National Contact point for OECD Guidelines (NCP), Business in Development (BID), ABN AMRO Foundation India, Business Steering Committee for the UN Finance for Development conference in Doha in 2008 and the CBI (Consensus Building Institute) in Boston.

He is also a frequent public speaker and a member of the Steering Committee of the Worldconnector. He was made a Knight in the Royal Order of Oranje Nassau for his work in Sustainable Developement.

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