- TEEBAgriFood
- Natural Capital Accounting
- TEEB Country Studies
- TEEB Water & Wetlands
- Other publications
- TEEB Case Studies (2009-2013)
- TEEB: Challenges and Responses (2014)
- Natural Capital Accounting and Water Quality: Commitments, Benefits, Needs and Progress – A Briefing Note (2013)
- TEEB Valuation Database Manual (2013)
- Nature and its Role in the Transition to a Green Economy (2012)
- Implementation Guide for Aichi Target 2: A TEEB Perspective (2012)
- Implementation Guide for Aichi Target 3: A TEEB Perspective (2012)
- Implementation Guide for Aichi Target 11: A TEEB Perspective (2012)
- Why Value the Oceans? A Discussion Paper (2012)
- TEEB Manual for Cities: Ecosystem Services in Urban Management (2011)
- TEEB for Business – Executive Summary 2010
- TEEB Climate Issues Update (2009)
- TEEB Interim Report (2008)

Geneva, 13 December 2013
Wetlands play a fundamental role in water, carbon and nutrient cycles and they provide multiple ecosystem services that sustain and support human life in key sectors such as agriculture, energy, industry and tourism. Yet wetlands have been and continue to be degraded at an alarming rate.
On 12 December 2013, the Institute for European Environmental Policy, the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands, Wetlands International and UNEP-TEEB, organized two webinars one in the morning and another in the afternoon.
The objectives of the webinars was to discuss the values of water and wetlands, how to mainstream these values into policy-making in order to promote wise use and management, based on the insights of the TEEB for Water and Wetlands Report.
View the recording of the webinars: Morning slot and the afternoon slot.
Presenter |
Title of presentation |
Patrick ten Brink, Head, Brussels Office, Institute for European Environmental Policy | Agenda |
Nick Davidson, Deputy Secretary General, Ramsar Convention on Wetlands (Morning slot) | The state of wetlands and global commitments |
Patrick ten Brink, Head, Brussels Office, Institute for European Environmental Policy | TEEB water and wetlands & multiple values of Wetlands |
Daniela Russi , Senior Policy Analyst, Institute for European Environmental Policy | Policy instruments to progress towards wise use |
Ritesh Kumar, Programme Manager, Wetlands International, South Asia ( Afternoon slot) | The ecosystem approach and the wise use of wetlands |
Marianne Kettunen, Senior Policy Analyst, Institute for European Environmental Policy | Approaches to assess the multiple benefits of protected areas |